

This website, and the contents herein, are attorney advertising and do not constitute legal advice.  Users of this website should not act in reliance of anything presented herein without first consulting an attorney. By viewing the information presented, the user expressly assumes all risks that the information presented may be outdated, inaccurate, incorrect, or inapplicable due to the rapidly changing nature of the law. Your use of this site and its resources acknowledges your understanding of, and your agreement with, this statement. All damages which may be incurred by virtue of relying upon any of the information presented on this website, or any links from this website, or damages incurred for any other reason, are the sole and absolute responsibility of the user. Your use of this site and its resources acknowledges your understanding of, and your agreement with, this statement.

This website is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between the reader and Weyer Law LLC. I would be pleased to discuss your legal matter with you and, after a discussion and a review to determine if a conflict of interest exists, a formal attorney-client relationship may be created by virtue of mutual agreement, formed by execution of a written contract. In the absence of a written contract for services or a signed engagement letter, user is not represented by Weyer Law LLC or any of its attorneys in an individual capacity. 

Please do not send any confidential information until after you have received an engagement letter from Weyer Law LLC. Transmission of materials prior to receipt of an engagement letter may not be treated as privileged and/or confidential.

Links: This Website may contain links to other sites. Those links are citations and are designed to direct users to resources.  Please be aware that this firm is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage users to be aware when they leave this site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.


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At this time, this firm only collects the information a user provides in the "contact" page and other fillable forms on this website, and this website automatically gathers general statistical information about this website and visitors, such as IP addresses, browsers, pages viewed, number of visitors, goods and services purchased, demographics, etc., but in doing so we do not reference you by individual name, e-mail address, home address, or telephone number. This data is aggregated to determine how much users use parts of this website so we can improve our site. We may provide this statistical information to third parties, but when we do so we do not provide personally-identifying information without your permission. In some cases, we may match user information we collect with offline data available from other sources in order to carry out our services and conduct target advertising and promotions more effectively.  

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